MD/PhD Programme
   Open Positions
   Admission & Registration
   Information for    International Students

Open Position


+49 (0) 69/798-29801





Admission and

To do a PhD in Frankfurt, first of all you need to find a professor who will supervise you. The university will decide on your acceptance as PhD student, your supervisor plays a crucial role. There is no central admission to the FIRST programme. Occasionally when several positions are vacant, you can indicate your preferred projects. See: PhD studies Step by Step.


  Open Positions
  PhD studies – Univ. Frankfurt
  general information
  PhD studies Step by Step:


Who can apply?

FIRST is open to students from pharmaceutical sciences, medicine, natural sciences, biotechnology and chemistry and aims to recruit excellent students. Prerequiste for admission will be a (very) good Master's degree (MSc, MPhil), university diploma (Diplom) or state medical exam (Staatsexamen).
Outstanding students (top 5%) possessing a Bachelor of Science degree ("Fachhochschul-Abschluß") can be considered for admittance but must successfully complete an extra qualifying year. Usually the Exams Committee (“Prüfungsausschuss”) of the faculty will determine the preparatory course programme.

Participation in the FIRST programme is open to PhD students of FIRST faculty members,
a presentation in English on their Master/Diplom or PhD project is however required.



Open Positions & Application

Available PhD studentships are advertised at our homepage. Applications will be dealt with as they are received. If there are no open positions, you can nonetheless contact those supervisors in whose research you are interested in. Occasionally, there may be other PhD positions available.
Also, there are possibilities to obtain scholarships such as from the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD; German Academic Exchange Service) or a number of foundations, early applications for these are necessary in order to start a PhD soon after obtaining the Master degree.
Short-listed candidates are invited for an interview to Frankfurt to give a ca. 10 minutes presentation of their research experience/Master thesis/Diplomarbeit with a subsequent questions and answers session as well as a formal interview. We encourage applicants to contact the potential PhD supervisor in advance to discuss the project in more detail and/or to visit the laboratory. For applicants from abroad we have the possibility to conduct an interview (including the presentation) by video-conferencing.



Language requirements

Good knowledge of the English language is a must as all courses and lectures are in English. We do not request a TOEFL test or similar, however during the interview the candidate has to give a short presentation of his/her Master/Diplom-thesis or recent research activities and answer questions in English. German is of course helpful to know for everyday life but not compulsory for lab and coursework. We encourage all our non-German speaking PhD students to learn German and also offer a German course for beginners.
The PhD thesis may be written in English which needs to be indicated when registering as PhD student with the faculty.



Fees and Studentships/Scholarships

There are no tuition fees to be paid by PhD students. However a registration fee of currently approx. 350 Euro has be paid per semester regardless of being an undergraduate or postgraduate student.
Most of our PhD students receive a PhD studentship, some have a part-time research assistantship working in the lab, in either case students receive approximately 1000-1400 Euro.


