+49 (0) 69/798-29801
What is FIRST? |
The Frankfurt International Research School for Translational Biomedicine (FIRST) is an integrated effort to accelerate education and research in the areas of Inflammation & Pain, Cardiovascular System, Targeted Cancer Therapy and Biologicals using a variety of different technologies.
FIRST is devoted to the interdisciplinary research training of outstanding international PhD students in translational biomedicine with a focus on drug research, development and safety.
Biomed FIRST is a Graduate Centre of GRADE – Goethe Graduate Academy, the platform for graduate education in the life and natural sciences a the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

FIRST PhD students |
Here are all our PhD students. |
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How to get to FIRST |
Here you find our contact address, maps of the University of Frankfurt, the Georg-Speyer-Haus and the Paul-Ehrlich-Insitute. |
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