MD/PhD Programme
   Open Positions
   Admission & Registration
   Information for    International Students

Open Position


+49 (0) 69/798-29801



Registration as PhD student


Admission and

For further information, please see:


  Faculty of Biochemistry,
Chemisty and Pharmacy
(FB 14)

  Faculty of Medicine
(FB 16)

"Annahme als Doktorand"
FB14 (Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmacy)

"Annahme als Doktorand"
FB 16 (Medicine)

  Info for graduates with Bachelor degree and Master degree from non-German universities


Once you have been offered a PhD position, you will need to register with the "Fachbereich" (FB) or faculty. The Fachbereich will depend on which faculty your supervisor belongs to and also on your degree. If you supervisor belongs to a different faculty than the one you wish to register at as PhD student, you have to find a supervisor in that faculty, he or she ideally is then also one of your co-supervisors. For example, if you are a natural science student and have a project in the medical faculty, you will need a co-supervisor in one of the natural science faculties, it is usually the one closest to your Master degree. Similarly, if you do your PhD in a non-university institution, such as the Georg-Speyer-Haus or the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, you will need to have an "official" supervisor at the university.



Registration at the Fachbereich (faculty) 14 "Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy":

If registering at the Fachbereich 14 "Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy",
please visit english website or german website for further information. Download and fill in the form "Annahme als Doktorand" (Acceptance as PhD student). This document in duplicate, together with all university certificates (originals or legally attested copies) need to handed in at the Prüfungsamt to Frau Schemenau. She will make photocopies of your certificates, and will give your application to the "Promotionsausschuß" (committee of the faculty deciding if you can be accepted as PhD student). Once the "Promotionsausschuß" agrees to accept you as (provisional) PhD student, you can register with Studies-Service-Center/Studien-Service-Center to enrol as PhD student at the University of Frankfurt.



Registration at the Fachbereich (faculty) 16 "Medicine":

If registering at the Fachbereich 16 "Medicine", please visit.
There you will find the form "Annahme als Doktorand" (Acceptance as PhD student): PDF in German which you need to fill in and hand in to Frau Weber. Once the "Promotionsausschuß" of the faculty agrees to accept you as (provisional) PhD student, you can register with Studies-Service-Center/ Studien-Service-Center to enrol as PhD student at the University of Frankfurt.



Note to students with degrees from non-German universities:

In order to be accepted as PhD student by the faculty, your university degrees need to be considered equivalent to the German degrees. In case your Master degree is not fully accepted as equivalent, you will get a provisional acceptance as PhD student, until additional requirements (attendance of certain courses) are met. With this (provisional) acceptance, you can register at the Studies-Service-Centre as PhD student at the university which gives you PhD student status.

Further informations: International Office



There are no tuition fees to be paid by PhD students. However a registration fee of currently 260 Euro has be paid per semester regardless of undergraduate or postgraduate student.



Doctoral Regulations ("Promotionsordnung"):

The doctoral regulations ("Promotionsordnung") can be found here for the
Faculty 14 "Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy"
PDF English
PDF German

Faculty 16 "Medicine"

PDF German (1)
PDF German (2)

For further information, please see:
For faculty 14 "Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy"
english website
german website

For Faculty 16 "Medicine":
german website

Promotionsbüro der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereiche /
PhD Exams Office of the Natural Science Faculties

german website


