Mission Statement &
   Academic Aims
   Board of Directors
   Research Profile
   Structure and Organisation

Open Position


+49 (0) 69/798-29801



Mission Statement & Academic Aims


What is Translational Biomedicine?

Translational Biomedicine is the transfer of know-ledge from basic science, findings in the laboratory focusing on fundamental science to testable hypotheses for evaluation in clinical trials. Anyone working along the value chain of drug research, drug development and drug safety needs a sound understanding of the processes involved at the different stages.







The Frankfurt International Research School for Translational Biomedicine - FIRST - is devoted to the interdisciplinary research training of outstanding international PhD students in translational biomedicine with a focus on drug research, development and safety. Despite much progress in basic research, the translation of these findings into therapeutic advances for any type of disease is slow. The interaction of the pharmaceutical industry and academia including university hospitals is required to combat insufficient patient-oriented research and inadequate technology transfer. To meet this need, FIRST was established by the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Georg-Speyer-Haus and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut to accelerate education and research in areas of inflammation and pain, cardiovascular disease, cancer and biologicals. The knowledge in translational biomedicine is essential for the future realization of the full potential of new discoveries made at the level of basic science by ensuring rapid transfer into clinical studies.



