German Research Network of Neuropathic Pain (GNNP)
The GNNP funded by the BMBF(01EM0511) includes all
major German experimental and clinical institutions,
authorities and medical disciplines engaged in research
and therapy on neuropathic pain. Using a translational
approach the networks aim to i) define pathophysiological
mechanisms of neuropathic pain, ii) introduce innovative
interventions to prevent and treat pain iii) establish a data
base of patients including psychological, quantitative
sensory and genetic (single nucleotide polymorphisms)
Research Unit (Krebshilfe-Forschergruppe)
The integrated scientific research group entitled "Pathological
gene products and disease mechanisms" was
established in 2005 and has an emphasis on the pathological
disease mechanisms of acute leukemias and
Hodgkin lymphomas. The long-term aim of the integrated
research group is the development of novel therapeutic
strategies that allow us to interfere with these specific
cancer types. Within the consortium several experimental
platforms have been established to integrate and disseminate
excellence in topics such as vector construction,
retroviral transduction of pathological fusion genes,
gene expression profiling, cell based-assays, proteininteractions
and establishment of standardized animal
model systems. Graduate and post-graduate education
takes the form of seminars (teaching modules in cancer
biology, cancer development and treatment, molecular
medicine) and retreats. Practical education for graduate
students is enhanced by visiting and working in different
laboratories of the consortium, to foster optimal education
and dissemination of technical skills.
CancerNet within the
National Genome Research Network (NGFN)
The Georg-Speyer-Haus (GSH) and several project leaders
of Division III participate in CancerNet within the
National Genome Research Network (NGFN), which is the
most comprehensive instrument engaged in interdisciplinary
disease-oriented genomic research in Germany.
TreatID (BMBF)
The BMBF-funded research network ‘Treatment of severe
immunodeficiencies with gene-modified stem cells
"TreatID" has strong links to Division III and IV. Treatment
of severe immunodeficiencies with gene-modified
hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) is the only gene therapeutic
strategy to date that has proven to be highly effective
in humans. Within TreatID, severe immunodeficiencies
are treated with gene-modified HSC in phase I/II
clinical trials. These include: AIDS-related lymphoma,
severe manifestations of the congenital immunodeficiencies
chronic granulomatous disease and Wiskott-Aldrich
syndrome. Associated research groups will improve the
safety of viral gene transfer vectors to allow the treatment
of patients with less severe disease manifestations. The
network is coordinated by the Georg-Speyer-Haus.
Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR23 Vascular differentiation and remodeling
Vascular diseases are directly or indirectly linked to diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer but also to diabetes and obesity. The investigation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms affecting the vascular system, particular the vessel wall, during the development of the disease, are the focus of the SFB/TR23. Researchers from the following institutions are participating in the SFB/TR23: University Hospital Frankfurt/Main, University Hospital Heidelberg, Faculty for Clinical Medicine, Mannheim, DKFZ Heidelberg, University ofFreiburg, Tumor Biology Center, Freiburg.