Research training group GRK1172
In GRK1172 (Research, development and safety of biologicals)
especially innovative research on biologicals in
Frankfurt, such as the development of therapeutic RNAs,
intracellularly active proteins and gene therapies, is
brought together. This GRK forms the basis for Division IV
within FIRST. All stages of drug R&D, from target validation
to phases I and II clinical trials, are currently represented.
The GRK1172 has 24 graduate students from the
natural sciences, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences,
and biotechnology. All of the supervisors involved in this
GRK are also members of the FIRST faculty.
Collaborative Research Centers
SFB 553 and SFB/TR 23
Over the last 12 years, Frankfurt University has gained an
excellent reputation in cardiovascular research, particularly
in the cellular signaling and enzymatic processes
that regulate vascular homeostasis and the modifications
in these pathways that occur during the genesis of hypertension
and atherosclerosis as well as in the development
of groundbreaking novel cell-based therapies. Research
within these networks focuses on "NO, generator and
effector systems" as well as "vascular differentiation and
Collaborative Research Center SFB 579
The aim of the SFB 579 "RNA-Ligand-Interactions" is to
develop a better understanding of how natural and synthetic
ligands recognize RNA. RNA is central to process
genetic information and is crucial for catalytic and regulatory
processes within a cell. Here, such diverse ligands as
proteins, nucleic acids and natural as well as synthetic
molecules and ions are investigated. The final aim is to
find therapeutic lead compounds in exemplary cases.
Several translational projects will be integrated into Division
Research Unit 501 (DFG-Forschergruppe)
RU 501 concentrates on elucidating the molecular and
cellular mechanisms that contribute to homeostasis within
the vascular wall. Scientists from the pre-clinical
departments as well as the Frankfurt university hospital
address a number of topics - all relevant to vascular
homeostasis and cardiovascular disease. The translational
approach taken facilitates the integration of knowledge
gained at the molecular level with that obtained in cell
culture as well as in intact organs, whole animals and
eventually in humans. On the other hand, observations
from complex systems can be followed up and teased out
at the cellular level or by in vitro models. This Research
Unit has strong links to FIRST division II.
Research Unit 784 (DFG-Forschergruppe)
The Research Unit "Signaling by fatty acid metabolites
and sphingolipids" was funded in 2006. Lipidomic
research within this group aims to understand signaling
mechanisms of arachidonic acid metabolites and sphingolipids
at the enzymatic, cellular, organ and whole body
level with a strong link towards inflammatory reactions as
outlined in Division I.
The Excellence Cluster Cardio-Pulmonary System
The ECCPS initiative of the universities of Frankfurt and
Giessen and the Max-Planck Institute for Heart and Lung
Research constitutes a unique translational research
center, dedicated to promote the transfer of information
from basic science into preclinical and clinical studies
and commercial exploitation. The ECCPS focuses on
promising research areas such as stem cells, remodeling,
angiogenesis, matrix and barrier regulation, hypoxic
and inflammatory signaling, metabolic and oxidative
stress and aging. Within the ECCPS aspects of inflammation
are central to a number of basic projects, animal systems
and human studies. Divisions I and II have a strong
link with ECCPS and the research projects to be studied
by the members of FIRST are incorporated within this initiative.
Pain Platform Frankfurt
The "Pain Platform Frankfurt" is a bilateral cooperation
between the pharmazentrum frankfurt of Frankfurt University
and Sanofi-Aventis, and sponsors an independent
junior research group that focuses on pain in degenerative
joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. It is linked
closely to Division I.
FIZ (Frankfurter Innovationszentrum Biotechnologie)
FIZ is an initiative of the state Hessen, the City of Frankfurt
and the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce. It
is an indispensable link in the value chain from basic
research at the university to industrial utilizations of inventions.
Inflammation is the main research topic within FIZ.